How to become a Knight


A Rizalist:

  • Loves his country and people;
  • Promotes international understanding among peoples and nations;
  • Venerates the memory of the nation’s heroes by making their ideals his own;
  • Values honor as he values his life;
  • Strives to do justice to all his fellowmen;
  • Finds meaning and purposes in life;
  • Upholds freedom at all costs;
  • Maintains a tolerant and understanding attitude towards his fellowmen;
  • Believes in the value of education as essential to the formation of the character of man;
  • Promotes social justice and general welfare;
  • Is industrious, self-reliant, persevering and conscious of the plight of the less fortunate;
  • Is truthful and honest in thoughts, words and in deeds.


(A) General Objectives:

The objectives of the Knights of Rizal are as follows:

  • To study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal.
  • To inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of Filipino people.
  • To exhort our citizenry by words and deeds, to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero.
  • To promote among all Knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry.
  • To develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal.
  • To organize and hold programs commemorating Rizal’s birth and martyrdom; and
  • Wherever possible, to share these ideals with peoples of all cultures.

(B) Specific Objectives:

  • To spread the ideals, teachings and exemplary life of Rizal among the Youth of the land;
  • To organize chapters in any community in the world and to undertake programs of activities which will promote individual commitment to the idealism of Rizal and encourage personal involvement in the contemporary problems of the nation,; and
  • To train and to develop the Youth in character building, citizenship training, democratic leadership, enlightened nationalism and dedicated service to country and people.
  • Every member of the Order must be familiar with the objectives of the Knights of Rizal. They provide direction to every member. Admission to the Order involves not merely a ceremonial rite. It involves duties and responsibilities.


  1. A Knight of Rizal brings his life nearest to being a patriot, a lover of freedom and democracy, a defender of his rights as a citizen;
  2. The studies of Rizal’s life and works give a Rizalist self-fulfillment as a true Filipino grateful and proud of being born in his country, the Philippines;
  3. A Knight of Rizal is given a chance to serve his country and people instead of thinking first of other peoples;
  4. A Knight of Rizal is exposed to the culture and true history of the country;
  5. Knight of Rizal has a chance to meet with his fellow Rizalists and patriots and learn from them the essence of true love of country;
  6. Personal development.


As a socio-civic patriotic organization chartered under Republic Act 646, the Knights of Rizal undertake the following activities:

  1. Conduct radio and/or TV programs and public fora to disseminate the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal, his life and works. (Rizalism and literature on Rizal can be found from Rizaliana Libraries and Rizal Centers);
  2. Initiate and sponsor Oratorical and Essay Writing Contests among the youth in schools on topics related to Rizalian ideals or current issues to promote love of freedom or democracy;
  3. Initiate and sponsor Choral, Art and Painting Contests among the youth and adults and give awards to deserving artists and performers;
  4. Conduct Literacy and/or Reading Classes to less fortunate non-schoolers, out-of-school youths and adults;
  5. Sponsor and conduct civic action missions among the poor and underprivileged, and distribute goods to the indigents or victims of calamities;
  6. Conduct medical missions especially on corrective surgery and/or treatment of eyesight problems;
  7. Conduct special classes and sessions for street children;
  8. Organize the aged for their upliftment and socialization;
  9. Conduct regular or special gatherings of people in the community for socialization, i.e. dancing sessions, singing contests, dramatic presentations, etc.;
  10. Organize credit and/or consumer cooperatives.


  1. Participate in all regular and special meetings of the chapter and the area and national assemblies;
  2. Pay his regular membership dues and other financial obligations to the Order;
  3. Secure a copy of the Knights of Rizal manual and study the objectives, rituals of the Rizalisms, and the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal;
  4. Join and support programs conducted by the Chapter;
  5. Strive to be worthy of promotion to the next higher rank at least up to KCR;
  6. Encourage and recruit members from friends, relatives and co-workers;
  7. Join patriotic gatherings and help teach love of freedom and democracy to the youth and fellowmen;
  8. Live a life of honesty, decency and modesty consistent with Rizal’s ideals;
  9. Work for the welfare of others;
  10. Wear the KR uniform and medals on all appropriate occasions;
  11. Devote at least a day once a year to visit the sick and give to the poor and indigent; and
  12. Help organize youth Rizalists for KAPARIZ; Ladies for Rizal, Kababaihang Rizalistas or Damas de Rizal for women; PATHRI and KAGUNARI for teachers; MACLARIZ for senior citizens; and such other counterpart and partner organizations as the Supreme Council may recognize and accredit.

Contact us to become a Knight of Rizal or start a chapter

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